Register for website to receive periodic emails about local events in Rock Creek.
Posted on Jan 2nd, 2018
If you haven’t registered on our website, click here to register now so you can receive automatic announcements about activities and alerts about the neighborhood.
When you fill out the form to create your user profile, be sure to keep the option "View Profile" set at "Yes" -- that will allow you to access the Member List and other restricted areas of the website when you login, but only other RCCA members will be able to see your profile. You can specify which information that you want other members to see. For example, you can choose not to display your email address or children if you are worried about privacy. You will automatically receive your UserID (your email address) and password via email.
Please update your email address if you change it, since we want to be able to send you notifications about community events and digital mini newsletters that we are planning on sending out in the future to minimize the cost of printing and mailing our newsletters.
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